Larry Leon Richman
Larry Leon Richman’s parents are Lynn Thomas Richman and Kathryn Joyce Seely.
Larry Leon Richman and Teri Lee Jackman are the parents of four children: Lanae Richman (who married Jay Robert Christiansen), Jamie Richman (who married Robert Glen Walker), Jason Dru Richman (who married Abigail Rose Nickel, known as Abbie), and Hailee Richman (who married Elliott Chance Terry, known as Chance). See more pictures on the individual pages above. Also see family pictures.
Also see Larry’s website at

Lynn, Jeff, Joyce, Larry, December 1955

Lynn, Jeff, Joyce, Larry, December 1955

Larry 1 year, Jeff 5 years

Joyce, Lynn, Jeff Larry

Joyce, Lynn, Jeff Larry

Larry and Jeff Richman

Larry and Jeff Richman at ghost town

Larry, Lynn, Joy

Lynn, Joy

Larry, Lynn, Joy

Larry Richman, 3 years old

Lynn, Jeff, Larry, Joy, Joyce, 1959 (or Dec 1960)

Larry on a horse

Joy, Jeff, Lynn, and Larry Richman at the Disney Matterhorn, July 9, 1962

Larry and Joy

Richman family, Christmas 1962

Joy and Larry Richman in Salt Lake

Joy, Rick, Larry, Jeff, and Santa

Rick, Larry, Jeff, and Joy Richman

March 1964

Rick, Jeff, Larry, and Joy Richman, December 1965

Larry, Joy, Rick, Jeff

Rick, Larry, Joy, Karen, Christmas 1966

Larry, Jeff, Joyce

Joy, Larry, Rick February 5, 1967

Larry, Joy, Rick, February 5, 1967

Jeff, Larry, Rick February 19, 1967

Jeff, Joy, Larry, Rick, February 19, 1967

Jeff, Joy, Larry, Rick, December 1967

Seely and Richman families. Left to right (back row): Larry, Leland, Grace, Muriel, Lee, Joyce, Jeff, Jim, Boston; (front row): Rick, Joy, Richy

Larry Richman, 13 years old, 1968

Larry, Joy, Rick and Jeff

Joy, Jeff, Larry, and Rick Richman

Lynn & Family, March 30, 1969

Larry and his mother, Joyce

Joyce and kids (Larry, Rick, Joy)

Thanksgiving in Boise. Larry, Jeff, Lee, Muriel, Richy, Joy

Scouts: Larry, Joyce, Jeff, and Lynn Richman

Joy, Larry, Joyce, and Rick Richman in Boise

Larry Richman, Eagle Scout at age 13.5 years

Joyce, Larry, Lynn at Larry’s Eagle Court of Honor March 29, 1969

John Warnick, Joyce, Larry, Lynn at Larry’s Eagle Court of Honor March 29, 1969

Scouts: Rick, Larry, Jeff, and Joy

Lynn Richman family at Reta’s house

Rick, Joy, Donna, and Larry
High School

Larry and Kent Seely in Boise

Joy, Rick, Jeff, Larry, and Lynn Richman, Dec. 16, 1971

Joy, Rick, Jeff, Larry, and Lynn Richman, Dec. 16, 1971

Joy, Jeff, Lynn Richman, Larry, Rick, Dec. 16, 1971

Lynn and family with Boston and Reta, December 1971

Seelys and Richmans, December 1971

Larry, Rick, Joy

Richman family, July 28, 1974

Lynn, Jeff, Larry, and Rick Richman in front of Seely’s home

Jeff, Joy, Larry

Diane Nelson at Brigham cemetery

Family with Reta, Paul, and Boston

Lynn Richman and family at Reta’s house
See more photos of Larry Richman’s mission.

At the airport when Larry left on his mission

Receiving my endowment at the Logan Temple
After the Mission

Rick, Lynn, and Larry Richman in silk shirts

Rick, Lynn, Larry, May 1980

Rick and Larry, May 1980

Lynn and Larry

Teri, Larry, Jeff in Boise

Larry Richman, engagement photo, 1982

Larry & Teri Richman, October 1998

Larry Richman, 2002

Larry & Teri Richman, October 2004

Larry & Teri Richman, 2010

Larry & Teri Richman, 2010

Larry Richman, 2012

Larry Richman, October 2012
Larry and Teri Richman Family Photos

Lynn and Mary Richman family at the wedding reception of Larry and Teri, July 1982

Richman family in 1992

Richman family in 1992

Taken at Forest Lawn in Salt Lake City on Halloween, October 30, 1998