John Edward Thomas (1858-1949) & Annie Shelton Obray (1865-1929)

John Edward Thomas and Annie Shelton Obray had 10 children: Martha Obray Thomas (known as Matt), Estella Thomas (known as Stell or Stella), John Joseph Thomas (known as Joe), Elizabeth Obray Thomas (known as Bess or Bessie), William Nathan Thomas (known as Nate), Chas Clyde P Thomas (known as Clyde), Annie Marie Thomas (known as Marie), Boston Obray Thomas, Heber O Thomas, and Pearl Obray Thomas.

John Edward Thomas’ parents are William Nash Thomas & Elizabeth Lallis.

Annie Shelton Obray’s parents are Thomas Lorenzo Obray & Martha Shelton. She was born 3 Sep 1865 in Paradise, Cache County, Utah.

John Edward Thomas

John Edward Thomas

Annie Shelton Obrary Thomas when she was married in 1865.

Annie Shelton Obrary Thomas when she was married in 1865. See sepia tone version.

J E Thomas General & Merc. store in Logan, Utah.

J E Thomas General & Merc. store in Logan, Utah.

On page 5 of the History by William Nash Thomas, he explains that when there was trouble with his stock holdings in the Oregon Lumber Company in Baker, Oregon, he turned the store over to his son John Edward Thomas. The store was a good business and soon got the family out of debt.

John Edward Thomas home, 1881-83 in Paradise, Utah. Leon Sinfield Richman's funeral was held in the parlor of this home.

John Edward Thomas home, 1881-83 in Paradise, Utah. Leon Sinfield Richman’s funeral was held in the parlor of this home.


Clark (Joe's son), John Edward Thomas, Joe (John Edward's son)

Clark (Joe’s son), John Edward Thomas, Joe (John Edward’s son)

John Edward Thomas, Joe (John Edward's son), Clark (Joe's son)

John Edward Thomas, Joe (John Edward’s son), Clark (Joe’s son)



Martha Shelton Obray is Annie Shelton Obray's mother

Martha Shelton Obray is Annie Shelton Obray's mother

Martha Shelton Obray is Annie Shelton Obray’s mother

Headstone of Martha Shelton Obray & Thomas L. Obray

Headstone of Martha Shelton Obray & Thomas L. Obray

Martha Obray Thomas (1885-1964, known as Matt) & Glaud Orgill Housley

Ann, Edna, Martha, Edra, in front of the home of John Edward Thomas & Annie Shelton Obray

Ann, Edna, Martha, Edra, in front of the home of John Edward Thomas & Annie Shelton Obray

Martha Obray Thomas Housley (known as Matt)

Martha Obray Thomas Housley (known as Matt)

Matt Thomas Housley and her daughter Kate

Matt Thomas Housley and her daughter Kate

Matt and unknown woman

Matt and unknown woman

Stell, Boston, Matt, Elva, Marie

Stell, Boston, Matt, Elva, Marie

Stell, Marie, Nate, Matt, Boston

Stell, Marie, Nate, Matt, Boston

Nate Thomas, Stell, Boston, Matt, Marie, Bess, Pearl

Nate Thomas, Stell, Boston, Matt, Marie, Bess, Pearl

Martha Obray Thomas & Glaude Orgill Housley obituary and funeral program

Martha Obray Thomas & Glaude Orgill Housley obituary and funeral program

Glaude Orgill Housley, Matt's husband

Glaude Orgill Housley, Matt’s husband

Glaude Orgill Housley, Matt's husband

Glaude Orgill Housley, Matt’s husband

Orville Thomas Housley, son of Martha Obray Thomas & Glaud Orgill Housley

Orville Thomas Housley, son of Martha Obray Thomas & Glaud Orgill Housley

Vernan Norman & Mildred Housley

Vernan Norman & Mildred Housley

Estella Thomas (1886-1971, known as Stell or Stella) & George Sinfield Richman (1884-1961, also see George as son of John Wm. Richman & Jane Charlotte Sinfield)

Stell, Boston, Matt, Elva, Marie

Stell, Boston, Matt, Elva, Marie

Stell, Marie, Nate, Matt, Boston

Stell, Marie, Nate, Matt, Boston

Nate Thomas, Stell, Boston, Matt, Marie, Bess, Pearl

Nate Thomas, Stell, Boston, Matt, Marie, Bess, Pearl

George Sinfield Richman & Estella Thomas

George Sinfield Richman & Estella Thomas

John Joseph Thomas (1888-1941, known as Joe) & Ada Luella Jensen Thomas (1893-1958)

John Joseph Thomas

John Joseph Thomas

Ada Luella Jensen Thomas

Ada Luella Jensen Thomas

Obituary of John Joseph Thomas and wife Ada Luella Jensen Thomas (who later married George J. Meeks)

Obituary of John Joseph Thomas and wife Ada Luella Jensen Thomas (who later married George J. Meeks)

John Clark Thomas, son of John Joseph Thomas

John Clark Thomas, son of John Joseph Thomas

Elizabeth Obray Thomas (1890-1961, known as Bess or Bessie) & Elias Floyd Tams

Elizabeth Obray Thomas Tams

Elizabeth Obray Thomas Tams

Left to right (front row): Bobby, Lynn. Left to right (back row): Bess, Louise, Betty

Left to right (front row): Bobby, Lynn. Left to right (back row): Bess, Louise, Betty


Floyd Elias Tams ( Bess's husband)

Floyd Elias Tams ( Bess’s husband)

William Nathan Thomas (1892-1977, known as Nate) & Elva Wilde (1904-1993)

  • See a postcard Nate sent home while in France on Dec. 19, 1918 (front and
  • Nate was a missionary companion to Harold B. Lee

Nate as a baby

Nate as a baby


Nate Thomas and Aha Richman

Nate Thomas and Aha Richman

Nate Thomas and Leon Sinfield Richman

Nate Thomas and Leon Sinfield Richman

Stell, Marie, Nate, Matt, Boston

Stell, Marie, Nate, Matt, Boston

Nate Thomas, Stell, Boston, Matt, Marie, Bess, Pearl

Nate Thomas, Stell, Boston, Matt, Marie, Bess, Pearl

Nate Thomas, Aha Richman, John James, and Horrace Obray

Nate Thomas, Aha Richman, John James, and Horrace Obray

Clyde Thomas, Aha Richman, [unknown], Nate Thomas, and [unknown] at Paradise School. See black-and-white scan of this photo.

Clyde Thomas, Aha Richman, [unknown], Nate Thomas, and [unknown] at Paradise School. See black-and-white scan of this photo.

Nate Thomas' first car

Nate Thomas’ first car

Nate Thomas & Elva Wilde

Nate Thomas & Elva Wilde

Elva Wilde Thomas

Elva Wilde Thomas

Chas Clyde P Thomas (1895-1943, known as Clyde) & Rose Shandrew (1909-1979)

Charles Clyde Thomas as a baby

Charles Clyde Thomas as a baby

Clyde Thomas, Aha Richman, [unknown], Nate Thomas, and [unknown] at Paradise School. See black-and-white scan of this photo.

Clyde Thomas, Aha Richman, [unknown], Nate Thomas, and [unknown] at Paradise School. See black-and-white scan of this photo.

Clyde Thomas (top right)

Clyde Thomas (top right)

Clyde Thomas in center front

Clyde Thomas in center front

Clyde Thomas

Clyde Thomas

Ralph Thomas, son of Clyde Thomas

Ralph Thomas, son of Clyde Thomas

Annie Marie Thomas (1897-1973, known as Marie) & Edward Obray Norman

Marie Thomas Norman baby picture

Marie Thomas Norman baby picture

Stell, Boston, Matt, Elva, Marie

Stell, Boston, Matt, Elva, Marie

Stell, Marie, Nate, Matt, Boston

Stell, Marie, Nate, Matt, Boston

Nate Thomas, Stell, Boston, Matt, Marie, Bess, Pearl

Nate Thomas, Stell, Boston, Matt, Marie, Bess, Pearl

Annie Marie Thomas Norman

Annie Marie Thomas Norman

Annie Marie Thomas & Edward Obray Norman

Annie Marie Thomas & Edward Obray Norman

Edward Obray Norman (Marie's husband)

Edward Obray Norman (Marie’s husband)

Edward Merl Norman, son of Edward Obray Norman & Annie Marie Thomas

Edward Merl Norman, son of Edward Obray Norman & Annie Marie Thomas

Edward Merl Norman, son of Edward Obray Norman & Annie Marie Thomas

Edward Merl Norman, son of Edward Obray Norman & Annie Marie Thomas

Gail Thomas Norman, son of Edward Obray Norman & Annie Marie Thomas

Gail Thomas Norman, son of Edward Obray Norman & Annie Marie Thomas

Gail Thomas Norman, son of Edward Obray Norman & Annie Marie Thomas

Gail Thomas Norman, son of Edward Obray Norman & Annie Marie Thomas

Headstone of Annie Marie Thomas & Edward Obray Norman

Headstone of Annie Marie Thomas & Edward Obray Norman

Headstone of Annie Marie Thomas & Edward Obray Norman

Headstone of Annie Marie Thomas & Edward Obray Norman

Boston Obray Thomas (1899-1978) & Leon Sinfield Richman (1897-1933)

See separate pages for Boston Obray Thomas (1899-1978) & Leon Sinfield Richman (1897-1933).

Heber O Thomas (1903-1967)

Heber Thomas obituary

Heber Thomas baby picture

Heber Thomas baby picture

Heber Thomas

Heber Thomas

Heber Thomas

Heber Thomas

Left to Right: Heber Thomas, unknown man, unknown man

Left to Right: Heber Thomas, unknown man, unknown man

Left to right: Floyd Tams, unknown woman, Heber Thomas (in the hat)

Left to right: Floyd Tams, unknown woman, Heber Thomas (in the hat)

Pearl Obray Thomas (1905-1995) & John Russel Johnson (known as Russ)

Nate Thomas, Stell, Boston, Matt, Marie, Bess, Pearl

Nate Thomas, Stell, Boston, Matt, Marie, Bess, Pearl

John Russel Johnson (Pearl's husband, known as Russ)

John Russel Johnson (Pearl’s husband, known as Russ)